
March 20, 2013

Mobile Device's:Tip From Alan

Not having a 'Smart Phone'... I didn't realize that anyone accessing our blog through a mobile device cannot see our lists on the right side of the page. Thanks to my friend, Alan, I now know this. I have been trying to figure out how to use the top tabs more as lists, but Blogger doesn't have that feature yet. So....Until then...I'm going create Top Tabs for each of our categories and create a list of links in these pages. I hope this helps... We still have alot of reading and learning to do as far as blogs are concerned. Thank you for your patience and a Big Thank you to Alan for all your feedback and advise. 


  1. Great Job! Very easy to get around from a mobile browser now.

    1. Thanks Alan. I added 'linkedin' also. hopefully that helps too. just by the time i get this all figured out, they will change it. lol
