
March 19, 2013



My Sister and Co-contributer to this blog, Susan, loves Dreamcatchers and Plants. So last year for her birthday I decided to put the two together and make her a Dreamcatcher Plantholder. 
Pictured is the first one, of many, that I ended up making. Some with the plantholders, some without, some big, some small and some small enough for the kids to put on their rearview mirrors in their cars. 

After the first two, I still wasn't getting the hang of how to tie the knots so I switched to crocheting the middle part. 
You can find a nice doiley pattern to crochet, or just wing it like I did.  Also, There are many sites with directions on..... 'How to make a Dreamcatcher'..... for those of you who don't crochet.

Items needed for a Dreamcatcher/Plantholder:

*Brass Rings
*Craft Thread
*Craft Cord
*Assortment of Beads
*Any decorations you like
It takes a bit of money to get all the supplies you need to get started, but once you get set up, you can make pretty many Dreamcatcher/Plantholders and just have to buy a few things here and there.    

If you decide to crochet your dreamcatcher, remember to make it smaller than the ring so you can stretch it tight onto the ring. I tied mine into place and cut off the strings as I wrapped the Craft Cord around. Once you have the ring wrapped, it is time to add the Plantholder. The Craft Cord comes in different sizes. Choose which size is best for your plantholder, but keep in mind, the bigger the Cord, the harder it is to get the beads over it, for decorating. 

Decide how long you want your plantholder to be. Cut 4 pieces of Cord double that length, plus a little extra to count for the knots.
Slip all 4 pieces through one of the spaces in your Dreamcatcher and around the ring. Pull down until all 8 pieces are even. Leaving a loop at the top, big enough to slip all 8 pieces through. Pull to tighten knot. (Larks Head Knot) 

At this point... you can add beads, knots or any kind of decoration you want to be part of the cord.

To make the net to hold the pot...

Separate into pairs of 4 and tie a knot 
in each pair. (above where you want the top of your flowerpot to be)  

Separate again...Go down a few inches and tie knots in each of the new pairs.

Combine all strands, Go down a few more inches and tie them all into one big knot.

This was a little harder to explain than I thought it was going to be...If anyone has any questions, please leave me a message and I will try to help you out. 
The picture to the right, is showing an extra set of separating, started higher up with some beads added. Play around and see what you  come up with.

From here on out, is the fun part...

The decorating......Add beads, feathers, charms or whatever else you can find. 
Don't forget to tie a loop to the top for hanging your Dreamcatcher.

Here are pictures of some of the Dreamcatchers I have made.  They did end up being Plantholders, but I took the picture before adding them.

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