
February 27, 2013

Freezing Foods

Freezer Paper and Masking Tape...
      When they first came out with 'Foodsavers', I was so excited and had to run out and buy one. I should have slept on this idea for a few days before making the purchase. I'm not saying they aren't good at preserving food, but for my just wasn't cost efficient. Not only was the machine expensive, but.....the special bags, you have to buy for it, were expensive.
     At the time, I had 2 growing boys and a half dozen of their friends at my house at all times. By the time I got the meat organized and stocked neatly into the freezer, I was pulling it back out and throwing the used, expensive bags in the trash.
So I went back to my Moms way of freezing things........Freezer Paper and Masking Tape. 
(Click Below)

Freezer Paper and Masking Tape
  • Buy Family size when purchasing your meats (which saves you money) 
  • Split it up into your family size portions 
  • Wrap in the freezer paper 
  • Tape it shut with the masking tape
  • Write on the masking tape...what it is, quantity and date froze.   
Now that I am no longer feeding a bunch of hungry teens, food seems to stay in my freezer a little bit longer. When I do take it out, it looks just as good as the day I put it in the freezer. Thanks again to my wonderful Mom, for another great lesson learned.

            Keeping Track  of Freezer Foods...

     My Mom takes it one step further and writes what it is, quantity and date froze on a piece of masking tape and sticks it to the front of her freezer. When she takes that item out, she takes the matching piece of tape off her freezer door, so she always knows what is in her freezer.


  1. Always great to hear the ways of the wise, Great idea same way my Dad and Mom packed meat at home when I was young.

  2. I think everyone back home packed meat that way. Do the meat packing places still pack that way? I have to say though...I was truly amazed when I seen my Moms freezer with all the masking tape. I thought, dang..what a great idea. lol
