February 27, 2013

Freezing Foods

Freezer Paper and Masking Tape...
      When they first came out with 'Foodsavers', I was so excited and had to run out and buy one. I should have slept on this idea for a few days before making the purchase. I'm not saying they aren't good at preserving food, but for my family.....it just wasn't cost efficient. Not only was the machine expensive, but.....the special bags, you have to buy for it, were expensive.
     At the time, I had 2 growing boys and a half dozen of their friends at my house at all times. By the time I got the meat organized and stocked neatly into the freezer, I was pulling it back out and throwing the used, expensive bags in the trash.
So I went back to my Moms way of freezing things........Freezer Paper and Masking Tape. 
(Click Below)

February 24, 2013

Potato Soup

A Memory from our childhood
No matter how old you are, when you are living away from your Mom, whether it be a few miles or many many miles, you are bound to get homesick. So many of our childhood memories are centered around food. 
A few weeks ago, Sue was down visiting and we got to talking about the Potato Soup Mom made when we were kids. How good it was and how much we loved it.  Sooooo, a phone call later and with the help of modern technology, that wonderful recipe was in our hands. 
What we found out that day was...That wonderful soup we loved so much as kids, did not taste quite as good as adults. Sorry Mom, but seriously......You got the recipe from a hospital ???  Who, I ask, would like hospital food enough to ask for the recipe? My Mom, that's who :) 
Anyway...We 'doctored' it up a bit with some chicken  bouillon, some salt & pepper and it didn't turn out half bad. 
***The Moral of this story...Some memories may not be exactly as you remembered, but as long as it made you smile, then and now, it's a good memory :) 
So here it is...Straight from our Moms cookbook  
(Click below)

February 20, 2013

Tip of the day: Organization of Household Bills

Now that's a word I am still trying to grasp. Recently my sister bought me a cute little note pad. What was I going to do with that? Bills she said. Keep track of your bills. (Before I go any further I should mention that I tend to forget which bill I've paid when until I'm getting a late notice).  Now, each month I write down my bills, the date I paid them, the amount, which method (check, money order, credit card, etc.) and the confirmation number. Not a paper person? How about a small white board for your fridge, iPhone or your computer notepad. Whichever you choose... Organize, Organize, Organize those bills! :-D

February 17, 2013

Sister Sue's Famous Chili

Two Pennsylvania girls sitting here in Texas on Lorri's patio deciding what our first blog should be and voila! Let's add one of our families favorites... Sister Sue's famous chili.. This recipe was born from looking through the fridge trying to get rid of leftovers. Hmmm... Bell peppers and green chiles.. What to do, what to do? Make a big pot of chili... This is a very simple recipe that is not only yummy but quick, easy and affordable.

(Click below)

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